Dekton Vs Quartz Countertops - The Ultimate Comparison

When it comes to countertops, there are two materials that stand out. Dekton and quartz countertops have been widely popular in recent times. Dekton is quickly becoming a favourite of homeowners, whereas quartz offers so many benefits that it is simply hard to ignore.

This makes it difficult to decide between the two materials. However, there is no need to worry because this post offers the ultimate comparison. Let’s get started.

What Is Dekton?

Dekton is a material that is a combination of glass, quartz, and porcelain. It is manufactured through a particle technology process. Thus, Dekton countertops are made to be naturally indestructible.

What Is Quartz?

Quartz countertops are made of pure quartz which is a natural mineral. Since quartz comes in a crystal form, it has to be mixed with a polymer to provide the end result. Quartz countertops are famous for their beautiful look.

Pros of Dekton Countertops

Dekton countertops are ultra-compact. They offer a ton of benefits are mentioned below.

1. Superior Durability

One of the best things about Dekton countertops is that they are very durable. The fact is that Dekton is an extremely durable material. This means that Dekton countertops allow you to do just about everything. You can sit on them, slice on them, or whack them and they will still hold up. When you compare the durability of Dekton with quartz, you will soon come to realize that quartz tends to stain and requires re-coloring.

2. Heat-Resistant

Another benefit of Dekton countertops is that they are heat-proof. There are not many materials that can beat the heat. However, this is where Dekton countertops truly shine. They are tolerant to the most extreme hot temperature.

3. Larger Slab Sizes

In addition to the above, Dekton countertops comes in large slabs. It means that you get to purchase huge countertops that cover the entirety of the countertop area in your home. They do not require a seam. Therefore, you can expect a clean look.

4. Full-Body Color Available

Dekton countertops come in full-body color. When color pigments are included in the raw material that makes Dekton, it results in the color going all the way through. Even if the countertop chips away, the damage would not be noticeable.

5. Perfect for Outdoor and Indoor Applications

Unlike quartz countertops that are only suitable for indoor use, Dekton countertops are perfect for both outdoor and indoor applications. This makes them the ideal choice for all types of spaces. Even if there is freezing weather, Dekton countertops do not fracture or crack. The same holds true for the hottest temperatures.

Cons of Dekton Countertops

1. Expensive

When we compare Dekton countertops with quartz countertops, we quickly notice that they are on the more expensive side. Although the countertops can be considered in a similar range, they are more expensive on average.

2. Limited Availability

Another con of Dekton countertops is that they are sold in limited quantities. As they are not as popular as quartz countertops, you might experience difficulty finding them. However, it only adds to the charm since not many people would be able to get them.

3. Limited Installers and Fabricators

Since Dekton countertops are quite new in the market, there are not many installers and fabricators available. This can make it difficult to find the ones that you need. Thus, there is a risk of irreparable damage.

Pros of Quartz Countertops

There are plenty of benefits of using quartz countertops as mentioned below.

1. Ultra Durability

If there is one thing that quartz countertops do best, it is durability. It is because of this reason that most people buy the countertops in the first place. This makes it the ideal material if you do not want to stress about it getting chipped, scratched, or cracked.  

2. Warranty

Another area where quartz countertops perform well is the warranty. They offer a warranty which is something that you cannot expect with Dekton countertops. The fact is that manufacturers are very confident about the durability of the countertops and have no trouble offering a warranty.

3. Appearance

Let’s face it. Quartz countertops are simply gorgeous. There are plenty of modern, sleek, and elegant designs to choose from. The truth is that you can find them in just about every color and design. There are even recycled options available.

4. Non-Porous

Engineered quartz countertops tend to be non-porous, unlike natural stones. This means that they do not allow liquids to seep into the surface. Thus, the risk of irreversible damage, discoloration, and staining is minimized.

5. Stain Resistant

Since quartz countertops are non-porous, they tend to be extremely resistant to stains. When you get the countertops, you do not need to worry about liquid penetrating into the pores of the stone. This makes them low maintenance and cost-effective option.

Cons of Quartz Countertops

1. Does Not Offer a Unique Look

If you are looking for countertops that offer a unique look, you are better off with Dekton countertops. Although quartz is very versatile in its appearance, it also means that you would be unable to find a unique look.

2. Susceptible to Heat Damage

When it comes to heat, you cannot rely on quartz countertops. You have to be very careful when dealing with the material as it can easily get damaged. On the other hand, Dekton countertops can withstand extreme heat.

3. Difficult Installation

Installing quartz countertops can be very difficult. It is not an afternoon DIY task. You will need to hire skilled professionals to deal with the countertops. The main reason why it is so difficult to deal with quartz countertops is that they are very heavy. Moreover, the foundation has to be structurally strong before placement.


Both Dekton and quartz countertops have their fair share of pros and cons. However, if you are looking for countertops that suit just about every type of space, Dekton countertops are a better option. They suit both indoor and outdoor spaces and are able to handle extreme heat. In the end, it all comes down to your personal preferences. 


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