10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Stone Fabricator

Did you know that homeowners lose millions a year hiring the wrong stone fabricators? This amount is even higher for restaurant and hotel owners. Not to mention, hiring an inexperienced stone fabrication company wastes valuable time, and of course, time is money!

So, in the interest of saving valuable time and money we’ve put together this handy list of 10 things you need to know before hiring a stone fabricator.

But first, What do stone fabricators do for you?

Stone fabricators do all the hard work for you! Homeowners and business owners alike hire these guys to make all things stone. Stone walls, roof slabs, kitchen countertops, bathroom worktops and more, out of Marble, Granite, and/or Quartz. You name it.

Whether your design aspirations are big or small, you will certainly be needing an experienced stone fabricator to get the job done. Fabricators spend years perfecting their craft so they can create masterpieces out of hunks of quartz, marble, granite, and whatever else you could possibly think of. 

So, we’ve kept you waiting long enough! Let’s jump into exactly what you need to know before you hire a stone fabricator.

10. Leave It to The Experts!


The most important things that you need to know before hiring a stone fabricator is that they are an expert. Stone fabrication is a remarkable investment so it’s important you get the most out of your money. Why hire newbies and be a guinea pig in their experiment when you can put your feet up and leave it to the pros! When you hire a professional, you’re getting years of valuable experience in return for your investment. 

9. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.


Fabricators need to procure a lengthy list of items before they even begin. Initially, a timeline would be established, it is best to have some flexibility. Often, it’s impossible to know exactly what may be required straight off the bat, everyone’s home or office is different. Stone fabrication is a tricky process and you want the job done right, so patience is key when working towards that perfect stone worktop. 

8. Get a Rough Quote.


Hiring a stone fabricator can be costly. Getting a quote beforehand helps you gage the size of investment you are going to make. To avoid any surprises later, be sure to straighten out all the budgetary details at the start. Let your fabricator know what your constraints are and to work within them. Be clear about what you want and how you would make the payment. 

7. Make Sure They Are Insured.


Before you hire a stone fabricator, it is crucial they have insurance. A professional should provide you with details of their insurance policy. Do not just accept the policy details. Instead, contact the insurance company to ensure that the policy is valid. Otherwise, if anything goes wrong, you may not be able to claim your money back. Better to be safe than sorry!

6. Seek Out Some References.


Be sure to ask around for references. As you would be working closely with the professional, you need to hire someone whom you can trust. You should feel comfortable around them and they should understand your needs. Getting recommendations before hiring someone will allow you to hire the perfect person for the job. Word of mouth recommendations go a long way in helping you choose the right service. You should always look for online reviews, which normally provide a good idea of the service quality. 

5. Many Hands Make Light Work.


Stone fabrication is not always a one-person job. Sometimes, a team is required to get the job done. You should be prepared to spend some extra money just in case an extra set of hands are needed. Be sure to discuss this with your contractor ahead of time to establish a good understanding of work requirements and scope. This way you won’t be caught off guard!

4. Always Hire a LICENSED Professional.


By law, stone fabricators MUST have a license. It’s best to be absolutely certain that this is the case, so always make sure you ask your contractor for this information before spending a penny. Otherwise, you could end up losing precious money and time. Since stonework requires a great deal of training and experience, you cannot risk just hiring anyone.

3. Ask for Samples.


Once you have narrowed down your options, it’s time to ‘sample the goods’. Reach out to your stone fabricator and ask for samples to take home and test out against your own decor. This is a great way to test the waters and decide which stone is a good fit for you. 

2. Communication is Key.


Before signing a contract with a stone fabricator, make sure there is a clear line of communication. This is crucial. Let the contractor know how frequently you would like to be updated to make sure that it stays on track. Although it’s good to bear in mind too much interference would be an hindrance and would delay the project and increase costs!

1. You Deserve the Best


Whether it’s your home or your workplace you deserve the best service your money can buy. A quality fabricator is one who is dedicated to their work and enthusiastic about creating the best stonework possible every time. People who are passionate and dedicated to their craft and not hard to spot so this shouldn’t be too hard. Provide all the details you can to help them create a masterpiece just for you. 

Seems like a lot of work, right? We know how much effort it requires to find a stone fabricator that suits your needs. 

So why go through all the trouble?

Pena Marble UK is a licensed and insured stone fabrication business that operates in London and Essex. We have a diverse portfolio, including work projects in the restaurant & hotel industry, as well as serving homeowners for over 2 decades. We are passionate about creating stone fabrication that stands the test of time in both durability and beauty. 

Call us today for any queries, or get a quote for your project.


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